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Project Mockingbird

First, I would like to apologize about this taking so long to come out; I have been trying to keep the facts accurate.  If you need a refresher on this series or just want to read from the start, begin here.

There is a conspiracy going on that the news is being controlled by the powers that be right now.  In these polarizing times with polarizing spins of major news organizations (MSNBC on the left, FOX News on the right, CNN on the TMZ side), this simultaneously seems intuitive (because of course they are) and also wrong (because there's more than one single spin perpetuated by popular news).  The point of this kind of media control is a version of mind-control of the masses, though not of the same variety I've covered before on this blog.

In 1973, there was a congressional hearing (that seems to be coming up a lot lately) which showed that the CIA had bought out a variety of reporters through bribes in order to release government-sanctioned news stories to the public.  In the fear of World War III, under the watchful eye of director of the Office of Special Projects Frank Wisner, 3,000 members of the CIA began a project to have 400 members of the media be on the payrole of the federal government in order to feed these journalists stories which are favorable towards the government ideology.

The goal of Project Bluebird was to utilize the trusted media in order to have the American public trust the Government more in the case of World War 3, especially given the fact that we were just coming off of World War 2.  Given the fact that there were already people who have lived through two world wars, the thought of a third one so soon was not a popular idea in the late 40's and the 50's.  So what better way to secure support than to have the media saying you can trust the media?  Ironically, this could have truly been called "Fake News" and "Alternative Facts".

In the 28 years from start until exposure, there were about 3400 people involved on both the CIA side and the media side, meaning that the minimum per-person-per-year risk of exposure is 7.3726E-06 (0.0000073726) percent per person per year.  For those of you keeping score, this brings the average to 1.3704E-04 and the standard deviation to 3.2084E-04.

So until next time, take that as you will.
K. "Alan" Eister Î”αβ

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