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Showing posts from October, 2017

Analytical Chemistry: L#00 An Introduction

In all of the physical sciences, there is a high need to be analytical.  After all, being analytical is how we know with scientific certainty that what we hypothesize and theorize is legitimately true. In a way, the physical sciences have an advantage in the analytical realm that the life sciences and social sciences don't have; it is exceedingly easier to get pull numbers out of experiments in the physical sciences than in either of the other two types of sciences.  After all, the life and social sciences have too many variables which can not be controlled for, for one reason or another.  After all, in economics (a social science), it is immoral to make some people be in poverty while making others financially prosper for any reason, much less to get numbers for analytics.  It is also immoral in medical science (a life science) to infect one group with disease while keeping others disease free for any reason, much less to get numbers for analytics.  So physical sciences i