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Showing posts from April, 2012

Great, We'll Bring You Back a T-Shirt!

The fashion industry is being affected by Global Climate Change. This is one of the lesser noticeable pieces of evidence of the environment changing around us. The opposite is also true; the fashion industry is also affecting the state of the environment. I will input my sources at the end. Recently, I wrote a paper for my environmental studies course on this very topic. Here I will adapt the paper for this blog. I feel the need, however, to differentiate between “Environment” and “Climate”. When I use the term “Environment”, I mean to use the scope of the entire planet, while when I use “Climate”, I mean to use a local scope. It's like differentiating between the global economy vs. the economy of the American state of Nevada, respectively. The fashion industry will be affected (and in fact already has begun being affected) by global environmental and climate changes on many fronts. For example, there is a far lower differential between the extrem

Education, Curiosity, Life, and Problems

In the United States, the main culture is that of willing and happy ignorance and intellectual laziness. In this culture, intellectual curiosity and contemplating knowledge is shunned as “nerdy”, a term used as a negative term to denote someone who is somehow lesser than themselves, because of that intrinsic curiosity and need to figure everything out. The modern American “major-cultures” think of themselves as superior to that of the “sub-culture” of “nerd”, the prior having the God Complex about being part of the crowd, the latter not really caring about how they are labeled by the rest of society, so long as they are left to their intellectual devices. In the intellectual development of any individual, I see four necessary legs; the household, the community, the educational system, and finally the individual. Any one of these four legs fail, the intellectual development of the individual fails. Here I will concentrate on the educational system. I am sad to say I am mor