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Education, Curiosity, Life, and Problems

In the United States, the main culture is that of willing and happy ignorance and intellectual laziness. In this culture, intellectual curiosity and contemplating knowledge is shunned as “nerdy”, a term used as a negative term to denote someone who is somehow lesser than themselves, because of that intrinsic curiosity and need to figure everything out. The modern American “major-cultures” think of themselves as superior to that of the “sub-culture” of “nerd”, the prior having the God Complex about being part of the crowd, the latter not really caring about how they are labeled by the rest of society, so long as they are left to their intellectual devices.
In the intellectual development of any individual, I see four necessary legs; the household, the community, the educational system, and finally the individual. Any one of these four legs fail, the intellectual development of the individual fails. Here I will concentrate on the educational system.
I am sad to say I am more ignorant than I should be on the educational systems outside of the United States, so everything under the umbrella of education on this blog post is specifically to the States, or when specified, to Clark County. It also looks at the K-12 system public system, ignoring upper education and also ignoring the private sector of K-12. The intent is to broaden the scope to the leg to everyone in the nation, not everyone who happens to have the fiscal capacity to go further.
(Start short rant of everything you've probably heard before.)
The educational system in this country is a joke right now. The administrative branches are over paid, while those on the front lines of education are underpaid. The books are out of date. The materials covered for classes is insufficient. There is little drive to take advantage of technology in the classroom, and where there is, there seems to be insufficient funds to do so. Kids are bored. They're learning things in high school they learned in middle school. I can go on this schpeel ad nausium, but I won't.
(End rant.)
Since I am a man of science, my view point on education will be predominantly on science and mathematics. Similar mentalities may be utilized for language classes, liberal arts, government class, social studies, and any other course out there, with alterations only to the details.
When we are in high school, we go through math up to and including what we call “Algebra 2”, which comes up with some new concepts to me, but most of which I have already figured most of it out. Most of it is elementary stuff, so much so that I have learned some of it in middle school. There are some students who go up to calculus, but the majority of students actively do not want to go there, because it is math; it is a nerdy topic.
On the science side in high school, we take chemistry, biology, and environmental science. We also take physics if we want to go there. The concepts in these particular fields are so rudimentary that they don't really need much mental facilities at all to get your head around.
The problem with both sides of this particular coin is how the material is taught. It is taught in a fashion which the student is told “Don't worry about how this final answer was discovered or deduced; don't worry about the thought process that went behind it. It's just a fact you should accept to be true and memorize.”
The problem with this method of “learning” is that it is disturbingly similar to learning the bible or the Qu'ran or the Torah, or any holy text. High school science and math teachers expect the students they teach to have faith that the facts the students memorize are true, as if science is merely a body of data to be memorized.
This should not be the case.
Science is a way of thinking, a way to use the brain you were born with to be able to slog through information and think your way to a conclusion. Mathematical proofs are done in this fashion. The “facts” you learned in high school science are conclusions of logical thought from data gathered. The main goal of any science or math course, regardless of what level it is, should be on understanding why it is so, not merely memorizing that it is so.
The problem begins at the elementary school level. I could see the line Yesterday. As some of of you may know, March 31st, 2012 was Nano Day, a day which Children's Museums around America invited Chemistry and Physics clubs from universities around the nation to come in and set up booths to explain what nano technology and nano science is and how it affects us on a daily bases. I was at a booth at the Lied Discovery Children's Museum where I was demonstrating how to separate objects by size using mesh screens similar to that of your screen doors. Different size holes of the mesh separate different size objects.
Now, I can see a distinctly different level of curiosity between the third graders and fifth graders who came to my booth. The third graders were of high curiosity, excited to try it out for themselves. The fifth graders looked very bored, as if they were waiting for the final answer to the problem in class.
With this in mind, I think the problem lies somewhere from late in third grade to somewhere early in the fifth grade, where curiosity is being driven out of the child and the mentality of memorizing is driven into the child. I do not know this for certain, but based in this rudimentary observation, this seems to be the case. I also do not know the mechanism for this switch, but it seems to be in the school. If it were with the individual, the parents, or the environment, then there would be a far less noticeable separation in age and academic level. Since there is a distinct line between grade levels, I am deducing that the problem is with the educational system here in Las Vegas.
I do not know what the causal mechanism for this problem is; I will not pretend that I do. I do however know that there is one there, and that it is the root of all the educational problems afterwards. The curiosity is driven out of students somewhere in the forth grade, maybe as early as the last few weeks of the third grade, maybe as late as the first few weeks of the fifth grade. To get a better gauge on this, I want to ask parents of children in these grade levels to keep an eye out for curriculum differences between these grade levels to see what they are. If you have an idea, please leave a comment below.
My prompt for parents is to make sure that the curiosity of your children does not go away. This curiosity is key to the future happiness and success of your children. For everybody else, my prompt to you is to be a mentor to a child, and do the same for them.
I know I will.

Until next time, I bid you happy travels, curiosity in all that you do, and joy in all. And as always, don't forget to be awesome.
-K. “Alan” Eister, Δαβ


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