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Great, We'll Bring You Back a T-Shirt!

The fashion industry is being affected by Global Climate Change. This is one of the lesser noticeable pieces of evidence of the environment changing around us. The opposite is also true; the fashion industry is also affecting the state of the environment. I will input my sources at the end.
Recently, I wrote a paper for my environmental studies course on this very topic. Here I will adapt the paper for this blog. I feel the need, however, to differentiate between “Environment” and “Climate”. When I use the term “Environment”, I mean to use the scope of the entire planet, while when I use “Climate”, I mean to use a local scope. It's like differentiating between the global economy vs. the economy of the American state of Nevada, respectively.
The fashion industry will be affected (and in fact already has begun being affected) by global environmental and climate changes on many fronts. For example, there is a far lower differential between the extremes in local seasonal weather all over the world, according to Columbia University Climatologist Radley Horton (1).
In response to this, major retailers are adjusting their sales of their clothing line. Target, for example, has begun to offer their swim-ware year-around (2). The consensus in the fashion industry seems to be that all of the retailers and designers need to provide a more all-weather line running parallel to – or maybe as opposed to – seasonal lines.
In February of 2005, a new type of style called eco-fashion was introduced to the world (3). This was brought on by the climate change problem. Eco-fashion stems from the consumer need to be fashionable while still be ecologically friendly. The materials used include hemp, bamboo, and recycled polyester (3). Designer Richie Rich said that this is a trend which will continue being toyed with. He added that even with the perceived superficiality of fashion, it is great to work with materials which are good for the environment.
The problem stems from the alteration of fashion needs. This yields lower sales of seasonal wardrobe lines. "The whole fashion system will have to change," says Beppe Modenese, founder of Milan Fashion Week (4). The fashion industry must compensate to the fact that there is a smaller difference between the seasons. In fact, Liz Claiborne Inc. has enlisted a climatologist regarding which fabrics to use as well as how to time retail deliveries. The diminishing lines between the seasons also brings forth a complete eradication of autumn/winter and spring/summer collections. This reduces the clothing lines available for retail stores to profit off of.
It is a mis-perception which fashion is what you buy and wear, says Jo Paoletto, a professor at the University of Maryland and who studies clothes trends (5). It's an entire process from raw materials to fibers to fabrics to clothing manufacturing to transportation. Each of these steps has its energy costs. The energy consumption does not end upon consumer acquisition of clothing. The typical t-shirt goes through 25 washing cycles (5), while other types of clothing seem to have no data on this point as of Sunday at noon. The average wash cycle pumps out 860 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
As far as I can tell, there are no parallel affects in industry. This is, however, based upon preliminary research of 15 hours over 5 days. It is, in by no means, a complete analysis of the problem. Based on this incomplete analysis, the fashion industry seems to be quite unique.
Now, let's say we lived in a parallel universe where I would subject myself to the cruelties of the fashion industry. I would alter my schematics by hiring on at least one climatologist, at least one economist, and at least one fashion designer. I would make these add-ons immediately. I would utilize their expertise to create an integrated theory regarding fashion trends and sales for the upcoming year. I would make this integrated theory theory as soon as all of the information becomes available to me. I would make shipping orders anticipating the upcoming year. This would lower annual shipping costs. This would also help get a leg up on the competition. Most importantly, however, it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions via transportation. Again, this would be done as soon as humanly possible.
I would also make a higher availability of eco-fashion lines. I would utilize my knowledge as a chemist to make eco-fashion even more ecologically friendly. This will bring in more customers who wish to be ecologically conscious while fashionable. This will also reduce the consumption of materials at all levels of production, decreasing the environmental impact and increasing saving on spending.
As far as changes for others, I would ask the general public to make their fashion trends last longer than a single season, especially the middle and upper classes. There is little issue in the lower class in making this happen, because this class already does so. The mentality they have is not wanting to waste the scarce money they have on clothes which they have no need for. This would probably stem a raise in prices so that customers would have a lesser need to satiate the want for “fast fashion”, since two millions metric tons of clothes end up in land-fills every year (6).
Since there is a high waste in fashion (two million tons of clothes in land fills per year), I would also attempt to make “recycling” clothing possible as well as practical and easy for consumers. This would yield less materials wasted, less materials needed to be harvested, and hopefully drive down costs of fashionable lines.
I would ask the government to pass incentives for the fashion industry to faze in eco-fashion. I would also prompt my industry peers to willingly change their clothes to more ecologically-friendly lines. I would ask the industry to switch their habits towards more ecologically (and hopefully economically) friendly ones.
I would also ask the fashion trend setters to make all of the trends they set more ecologically friendly, because let's face it, they are the bottom line for what the vast majority of the middle- and upper classes find fashionable. Without their support in making the ecologically-friendly choices popular, there will be high resistance in making this shift.
Now, for my prompt to all of you. You should try to look at any industry you would not think would impact global warming or, inversely, be impacted by global warming, Contemplate as best as you can how said industry and global warming impact each other. We can reduce the effects of global warming. This prompt yields a means to allow you to see for yourself why we should go ahead and reduce these effects.
I hope your eyes have been opened a wee bit to the fashion industry and environmental problems, and how they are inter-related. Until next time, don't forget to be awesome.
-K. “Alan” Eister Δαβ

1: Is Global Warming Changing Fashion Trends?; Chua, Jasmin Malik; 04SEP2007; TreeHugger, A Discovery Company;
2: Global Warming Affects Fashion?; Strang, Heather; 17OCT2007; Real Design Diva;
3: Why is Eco-Fashion So Hot?; West, Larry;;
4: Fashion Warms to Reality of Climate Change; Wells, Rachel; 07OCT2007; The Age;
5: How Climate Change Will Affect What We Wear; Roshelle, Starshine; 19JAN2008; Miller-McCune;
6: Bid to Buck 'Fast-Fashion' Trend; unknown author; 20FEB2009; BBC News;


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